Unfortunately we have to inform you that I have to cut back for health reasons.
The cancer treatment took a toll on me last year, more than I ever thought, and I haven’t recovered well from it yet.
Now it’s time to just think about myself!
That’s why, after a lot of back and forth, we decided that we won’t do a live show this year, but only an online show.
It was really difficult for us, especially after all the things we regulated and arranged and looking for solutions to put together a perfect show, but sometimes you just have to take a step back, whether you want to or not, if you want to move forward in the future.
You don’t always have everything in your hand.
You can now make other arrangements for the award weekend in September.
Despite the fact that there will be no live show, the award show will be online and winners will be determined by our jury, and we are still looking forward to finding out who the winners will be this year.
There will be a glass award and we will send an email about that to you later.
I hope you understand our decision!
by Admin
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